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Magazine Pile

Many people love to get and save magazines, lots of them! They are glossy, colorful and full of information. Do you read the ones you get? All of them? While still current? Do you save them to refer to — someday? If so, do you actually remember in which magazine or issue to find that recipe or decor idea?  How much time is spent searching? (Remember to include time for getting sidetracked!)

This month is about eliminating unnecessary magazines which, after all, just become clutter. Absolutely continue to get your favorite(s) but consider creating time-saving boundaries.

Here are 10 tips.

1.  Use a container that holds up to two months’ worth and recycle or donate what doesn’t fit.
2.  If the next issue arrives and you haven’t read the current one, donate or recycle the older issue.
3.  Or, keep two months’ worth but the older one goes when the new one arrives.
4.  Scan the table of contents, circle articles to read, read just those and recycle the rest.
5.  Cut out or scan articles to keep, then file them in subject folders.
6.  Recycle or donate instead of saving them; search the Internet for the information you want.
7.  Donate them to a nursing home, hospital, school or charity.
8.  If you have more magazines than time to read them, cancel those you don’t read and save some money.
9.  Bring a magazine whenever you expect to wait (such as medical appointments).
10. If you need help to resist magazine offers, go to to get removed from marketers’ lists.


Product of the Month

Borrow eBooks for Free at

Amazon has created a lending library for ebooks. “Lending Enabled” book titles can be lent by another Kindle reader to you and you may borrow as many as you want. You must have a Kindle or Kindle account. Click here to find out how to borrow an ebook for 14 days.


Notable Quote

Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress.   ~Alfred A. Montapert


Adriane Weinberg

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