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Protect Your Medical Records (Feb. 24, 2015)

February is American Heart Month. That got me thinking about health in general, then about medical records. How accurate are they? Shockingly, not enough! Years ago I needed the baseline x-ray of my lumbar spine from my hospital’s radiology department…

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Pro’s Picks for Products to Sort Papers

Paper Sorters In response to last month's post, a reader asked: "Have you seen any monthly sorters for papers?" Of course! Following are some product suggestions. This colorful, expanding desktop file sorter by Pendaflex has a slot for each day…

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Win the Paper Battle (Reader Contribution)

There are so many ways to organize paper -- and everything else.  Here is one way with simple steps to win the battle with paper! Create a Sorting Station Find a space in your home to sort papers the moment…

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